
Alex Allman is the creator of the best selling books and programs that have helped tens of thousands of men, women, and couples enjoy more passionate relationships, overcome insecurities, create deeper intimacy and communication, and have a lot more fun and fulfillment as a couple.

His writing, lectures, public appearances, and videos have been seen by more than 20 million people around the world.

In 2007 he founded the company Life Love Passion, Inc., with the mission of helping men and women have the experience of True Love, and to help them get more fun, deeply connected passion, and intimacy in their relationships.


Don’t Give Up On Them!

...broke my heart!...made me feel unsafe!...I can't believe I was fool enough to trust......hurt me every single time...they have all the power...they can get away with anything! and we just... read more →

The Five Love Languages

The big take away:One of the most common communication problems couples have, that causes all sorts of arguments and misunderstandings, isn't actually a problem at all... it's just a difference... read more →

Love and Freedom

Every now and again you learn something so important, yet so simple, that it changes your entire life. This post could be one of them.Learning the lesson in this video... read more →

Easy Love

I'm going to tell you exactly how to make love "work" without work. I'm going to tell you how to have the blissed-out, star-spangled, sex-drenched, breathlessly beautiful love affair that... read more →