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“To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted to their talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour.”

-Winston Churchill


Take 22 Uncensored Modules To Boost Sexual Confidence — Plus 9 Simple Practices Guaranteed To Deliver Bulletproof Self-Esteem

Save the best for last?

All I know is, I’m writing to you now for a reason. Because A LOT of guys need special help with these two things:

Sexual confidence and self-esteem.

Here are some of the questions I get from men every day:

  • “How can I get more sexual confidence in the bedroom?”
  • “How can I feel more confident when I talk to girls in social situations?”
  • “How can I learn to speak my mind more? I feel like I am always holding back and afraid of being judged, and have so much more success locked inside me.”
  • “How do I stop beating myself up with my negative self-talk and self-critical voice?”

If you’ve ever had any of these thoughts, I invite you to read on...

You know this as a fact: Great sexual confidence and self-esteem go together.

When you have sexual confidence it gives you self esteem. And high self esteem improves your sexual confidence.

Neuroplastic Training For Sexual Confidence

Your sexual confidence is no laughing matter. For most guys, how you perform around women — and with naked women — has a massive impact on your self-esteem.

Not to mention, which one of us doesn’t want to totally rock the world of the woman we’re having sex with? I’d say that’s hardwired into most of us.

We have exercises that could literally change the wiring of your brain. These are some of the same technique that world-class CEOs, thought leaders, and others use every day as part of their daily practice.

Even world-renowned self-help guru Tony Robbins uses variations of some of these techniques, because they help thousands of people make personal breakthroughs every day.

Here's some of what you'll find inside:

  • Discover what happens when you get into the heads of 5 REAL women (not PORN stars) and ask them for their deepest, darkest sexual desires (even one of these little gold nuggets can make the next woman you are with, think you have read her mind)...
    Your confidence will soar when you understand the real patterns underlying female desire
  • Find out what 4 sex gurus have to say about female orgasm, female ejaculation (aka squirting!), your stamina, and how to rock her world starting tonight...
    You’ll have an arsenal of orgasm techniques that most men haven’t even heard of — Imagine how addicted she’ll get to being with you every single night!
  • Want to be the center of her sexual Universe? Unlock surprising PG-13 zones on her body that can give her quaking orgasms...and that most men miss entirely...
  • Learn why the size of your penis doesn’t dictate your sexual future...(and how to make her enthusiastically gush that your cock is JUST right for her!)...
  • Find out how to unleash her inner slut: Discover how to be just the RIGHT kind of assertive and dominant for her — and give her permission to push “social conventions” aside, and let her “naughty” side loose with you...
  • Everyone knows: What really turns women on is YOUR sexual confidence. What most people don’t talk about is that the biggest “turn off” is your sexual shame left over from childhood... Discover how to finally break free of those negative thoughts...and embrace your own sexuality... and watch in amazement as women suddenly go wild for you.
  • Guest teacher Adam Gilad teaches his secret “2 brass balls and a big heart” concept for making any woman melt in your arms... You can try it out in a bar or the bedroom and get INSTANT results. (My friend Jesse was looking over my shoulder as I wrote that and he asked me if that was just an exaggeration. It’s NOT.)
  • See a sexy heat-map of the female body... so that you have an actual blueprint to drive her wild... You get inside knowledge about the female body that most guys NEVER bother to find out...and it makes you an EXPERT in her hidden erogenous zones

The Sexually Confident Man is a fast-paced, 22 module program.

Spend just 5 minutes watching or listening to any one of them... Just ONE tip from any one of these modules could give you INSTANT results.

WARNING: This program is not PG. It is UNCENSORED and UNRATED. The reason is that I want you to get the real, candid truths you need to get your own bulletproof sexual CONFIDENCE.

You can’t get these truths by beating around the bush...

I’m fucking excited for you to learn this stuff. It has literally changed the lives of so many men for the better.

EXTRA BONUS: Bulletproof Self Esteem

I want to share a quick personal story with you.

It’s the story of why I’m including the special bulletproof Self-Esteem program FREE in this package.

This is what happened

I received an email from one of my readers. This is the same kind of email I get all the time… I’ll just summarize it because, as usual with these requests for help, it was very long, and you can swap the details easily enough…

For this guy the details are depression, shit job, way overweight, never even been kissed…

It could have just as easily been short, poor, socially phobic, or damn near anything, but at the bottom of it is a desperation…

>>> a yearning to get out of the fucking box and into the fucking game of life.

Here was the answer I fired off:

Hey S–
No denying it buddy, the picture you paint sounds pretty shitty, and all credit to you that you’re getting hold of programs (like mine), and emailing directly to the author (right here), and clearly at the point in your life where you’re TAKING ACTION.

I can’t begin to tell you how much I admire the courage and vulnerability that this takes, and I can promise you that, from all of my experience helping and sometimes failing to help a huge number of men, that YOU are going to get to the other side of this, because you’re the action taker.

My friend [deleted name] grew up dirt poor, and with a scary, abusive father who beat him constantly, and he told me once that he looks down on men that have success but had it easy (which made me uncomfortable, because I suppose that’s me).

So, yes, there’s rich, handsome guys that are flooded with confidence from puberty, and get girls and friends with no effort, and that’s not the path of YOUR life.

You’re going to do it the harder way.

But the fact that you sometimes know, and sometimes don’t dare to believe, is that it’s the confidence, not the rich and handsome that made the difference.

I have another friend who is a 300 pounder too, also very, very funny (but more evil than self-deprecating), and he has several very beautiful girlfriends– though honestly, it’s been tough for him, and he can really get down on himself because of the weight.

But he’s got some kind of core confidence that let’s him talk to women with enough sense of self-entitlement, that his sex life is strong.

So here’s a few things for you–

1) Since you’re already a funny guy, watch some comedians on youtube that are NOT self deprecating, and get a feel for humor that guys who get women use, and then play with it ALL THE TIME, until you start getting it right. Work hard to NOT GIVE A FUCK when you offend someone with it, and keep at it. You can’t make your circumstance worse, right?!
Bob Sagat, Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, Dave Chapelle, and even Jerry Seinfeld are a few that come to my mind… but avoid the Louis CK, and Kevin Hart, and even Amy Schumer, who are hilarious, but are always the butt of their own jokes.

2) Forget the weight thing. It’s bullshit, it has nothing to do with it. Love yourself anyway. Period.

You know, eat well and exercise as a gift to yourself, but don’t look at the fucking scale and make it mean something about who you are. It doesn’t. (I know that’s the hardest thing on Earth, but there it is brother).

3) This is really 100% going to come down to convincing yourself that you are worthy and deserving of beautiful women.

As you noticed, losing weight and cool clothing does not get looks from women. I mean, yes, if you end up looking like Brad Pitt from Fight Club… but the rest of us don’t just get “looks” unless we put ourselves out there more aggressively.

>>>> It would be easy to make it halfway up this mountain and then just turn back, believing it’s easier– but PLEASE don’t do that brother. This hill is so damn climbable. And when you DO make it to the top you’ll see that it was only your fear of climbing that held you back.

4) The bottom line on this is Self Esteem, and I don’t have a straight up program on Self Esteem, so I’ll tell you what… I’m going to do one– for you. You’ll see the announcement in the Allman Report. I’ll expect to see you register.

AND… go get the great ones that I didn’t do. Anthony Robbins, “Awaken the Giant Within” is an amazing place to start and I know dozens of men who say they owe the lives they’ve got to that book. Take it like the word of God and your life will change too.

Sending you love my brother. Your life is so fucking worth it.


So that’s what put a fire-breathing bug up my ass to create the program, and I’ve put together a kick-ass curriculum that I’m damn proud of and that will get you AMAZING results.

This is the program I’m offering to you today. For free. And now you know why.

Act Now And Get Lifetime Access To The Sexually Confident Man For A Price You Won’t Get Anywhere Else...
AND Get The Bulletproof Self-Esteem Program FREE

For everyone else, The Sexually Confident Man comes as an eight month program that costs $67/month.

8 months X $67/month ends up costing THEM $536. That’s a fair and square price because of how much more relationship and sexual satisfaction these guys are getting.

Plus, that eight month price is still $259 LESS than my SINGLE-SESSION $795/session rate...

Take advantage of this offer right now and pay only $247 for all 22 sessions of The Sexually Confident Man

That’s 54% OFF the regular price and $453 LESS than you’d pay for a one hour consulting session with ME.

Plus I’m throwing in the Bulletproof Self-Esteem program, a $97 value all by itself, for FREE…And that very well could be (as they say in the American Express commercial) PRICELESS…

Bottom line: You Get $633 worth of highly effective material for only $247.

This is why I’m doing this for you…

I know you just invested in Passionate Lover, Passionate Life. I know you’re an ACTION taker. That you’re serious about your own personal growth. And I want you to have the opportunity to keep improving.

I want you to be the guy with so much sexual confidence that women who know you, fantasize about having you…

Let’s bulletproof your self-esteem and sexual confidence.

Get The Security Of My Iron-Clad 100% Money Back Guarantee

I’m giving you 60 risk-free days to try The Sexually Confident Man and the FREE BONUS bulletproof self-esteem program…

If you’re not AMAZED at the changes in your life, then you can contact my friendly customer support team and get 100% of your money back.

You don’t even need to give them a reason or a receipt, or any of that shit.

They’ll be happy to give you a quick, friendly, and full refund.

When you take advantage of this offer today, not only do you get a screaming discount, but I’m also the one taking all the risk.

The only way to get this deal is right now, so I hope you’ll take action now and click the big orange Yes! Button and add this popular bundle to your order.

YES!! Please give me INSTANT access to The Sexually Confident Man and the BONUS Bulletproof Self Esteem program.

I want to:

  • Access the rarely EXPOSED fantasies and desires of REAL women...
  • Get NINJA level sexual confidence from 4 modules with male and female sex gurus...
  • Discover EASY secrets to female ejaculation...
  • See how to take the sleazy “Game” out of seduction...
  • See how to become the RIGHT kind of dominant man women crave...
  • And much, MUCH more...

I ALSO Get Free Instant Access to the Bulletproof Self-Esteem program. So that I can once-and-for-all get past my own bullshit and step into my authentic, honest-to-god confidence.

Just click YES! below to GET $633 worth of programs for less than half the price you’d normally pay for just one of them… and automatically get BOTH programs with your order for one payment of only $247


* I Understand This Price Is ONLY Available As An “Add-On” To My Purchase

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